• Extenders fuel Green Flag-West exercise

    An A-10 Thunderbolt II assigned to Moody Air Force Base, Georgia, flies below a KC-10 Extender assigned to Travis AFB, California, over California after receiving fuel June 30, 2022. The A-10 was a participant in Exercise Green Flag-West 22-08. Green Flag-West is a close air support and joint

  • Nellis AFB to become 5th Generation Center of Excellence

    The Department of the Air Force announced plans today to make space for a larger fighter presence at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, by realigning the base’s close air support and rescue missions to Davis-Monthan AFB, Arizona, starting in fiscal year 2022.

  • Honoring the Fallen: 2nd Lt. James Lord

    A group of A-10 Thunderbolt II’s assigned to the 6th Combat Training Squadron (CTS) and 66th Weapons Squadron (WPS) took to the skies on June 21 to honor 2nd Lt. James Lord with a memorial flyover in Ohio.

  • Pilot receives AF Exceptional Aviator Award

    An A-10C Thunderbolt ll pilot was awarded the Air Force Exceptional Aviator Award on Oct. 5 in the 6th Combat Training Squadron auditorium at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.

  • USAFWS pilot marks 3,000 flight hours

    Lt. Col. Ben Rudolphi's, United States Air Force Weapons School deputy commandant, flight on Jan. 19, 2018 marked his 3,000th flying hour in the air in which he accomplished nearly 1,000 sorties.

  • A-10 pilots, Army brigade combat teams train at Green Flag 17-03

    Pilots from the 74th Fighter Squadron prepared for future deployments while participating in Green Flag-West 17-03, Jan. 13 - 27, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.GFW is an air-land integration exercise that gives Air Force pilots a chance to conduct realistic close air support in a joint training

  • Maintenance Airmen capitalize on Green Flag

    Airmen from the 23d Maintenance Group capitalized on an opportunity to prepare for future deployments during a two-week training exercise, Jan. 13-27, at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.Green Flag-West 17-03, an air-land integration combat training exercise, hosted 12 A-10C Thunderbolt II aircraft from

  • Testing skills: Third quarter load competition

    The load crew competition is a quarterly event held at Nellis AFB to highlight the exceptional Airmen of the 57th Maintenance Group. The competition provides weapons loaders throughout the 57th Maintenance Group the opportunity to display their war fighting skills to their peers and superiors.
