Nellis Air Force Base Special Needs Identification & Assignment Coordination Process (SNIAC) and Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Identifies

  • Family members with special medical or educational services.
  • Checks for resource availability in both military and civilian communities.
  • Does not affect promotion.
  • Does not prevent members from being reassigned.
  • Enrollment is mandatory if a family member has special needs.

What is the EFMP & how do I enroll?

The intent of the EFMP is to assign members, based on manpower requirements, at locations where a family member’s special medical and/or educational needs may be met. To enroll, contact your PCM, Special Needs Coordinator, Family Support Coordinator or Case Manager. They will assist you in the EFMP process. 

Mike O’Callaghan Federal Hospital
1st Floor near the shoppette
DSN 384-EFMP; Com 702-653-EFMP(3367)

NELLIS EFMP-FS (Family Support)
4311 N. Washington, Nellis AFB

What can the Special Needs Identification & Assignment Coordination process do for Families?

  • Provide contacts for families to receive resource information at their new bases
  • Assist active duty members in meeting mission requirements while balancing career and family responsibilities
  • Provide information and referrals to community and base resources

What is a Special Need?

A medical special need is one that requires specialized care (e.g., urology, neurology, psychiatry, developmental pediatrics, etc.) for an ongoing, chronic illness.

An educational special need is one that requires special educational services in order to progress academically. These services are identified on an Individualized Education Plan or Individualized Family Service Plan and may include, but are not limited to: resource rooms, psychological services, occupational or physical therapy, or adaptive equipment.

What is the SNIAC Process?

The SNIAC process is specifically designed to:

  • Assist family relocation when a medical or special education requirement exists.
  • Tricare assists families in finding resources on base and in the community.

How does the SNIAC screening affect the assignment process?

The Air Force ensures personnel are assigned to locations where family members with special needs can receive services required. The Family Member Relocation Clearance screening process identifies special needs and determines the availability of services at projected locations. The SNIAC process does not affect TDY or mobility status.

Who should enroll?

Enrollment is mandatory for active duty military personnel who have a family member with a special need.

Why enroll?

Medical Treatment Facilities (MTF) assess if required services are available, on or off base, at the gaining location prior to a permanent change of station. This ensures family members are able to receive the care they need prior to relocation.

How long will enrollment last?

Enrollment will continue as long as a special need exists.