The mission of the U.S. Air Force Warfare Center is to develop innovative leaders and full spectrum capabilities through responsive, realistic, and relevant Air Force and joint testing development, and advanced training across all levels of war. The Nevada Test and Training Range (NTTR) provides full spectrum aircraft research, development, test, and evaluation (RDT&E) capabilities for the Air Force, other services, governments and civilian contracts.
Solar towers, communications towers and wind turbines built within the radio frequency line of sight of RDT&E systems can create significant adverse impacts to T&E activities depending on vertical height, electromagnetic sensitivity and distance from activities conducted on the range.
The High Risk of Adverse Impact Zone (HRAIZ) map depicts the Air Force area of interest for R-2508 and Nellis Test and Training Range (NTTR) operational areas.
If you are considering development in these areas, please contact the 99 Air Base Wing at Nellis AFB: (702) 652-2890 or the DOD Siting Clearinghouse at