Preparing for your move
Your sponsor is your helping hand. He or she can assist you with everything from housing to in-processing.
Sponsors are expected, at the minimum, to provide information concerning the base, the unit's mission and your job. Your sponsor typically meets you upon arrival. If you do not hear from your sponsor within 45 days of your departure date, call the Nellis INTRO program manager at 702-652-6016 or 702-652-9073.
Traveling to Nellis
Nellis is eight miles northeast of downtown Las Vegas. If you arrive at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, you can take a commercial taxi to Nellis for approximately $40. If you are driving, Interstate 15 to the Craig Road exit and drive about five miles east to the Nellis main gate.
If you received advanced travel pay or elected to collect travel pay upon arrival, you are authorized reimbursement for any taxi fares, etc. Keep receipts for expenses. The easiest and least expensive method of transportation is to prearrange to have your sponsor meet you at the airport.
What to do when you arrive at Nellis
The following is a checklist of things to do and places to go during your in-processing.
1. Lodging Office
Phone Number: 702-652-2711
Address: 5941 Fitzgerald Blvd.
The Nellis Inn is a 24-hour, seven-days-a-week reception center. You can arrange for temporary quarters and receive in-processing information. If arriving with your family, ensure your sponsor has made a reservation four weeks prior to your actual arrival date. The lodging complex consists of 1,027 transient rooms and a 60-unit temporary lodging facility that serves incoming families.
2. The Housing Management Office
Phone Number: 702-652-1840
Address: 4601 Richard Kisling Drive Las Vegas, NV 89115
Operating hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. & Wednesday, 7:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. most weeks
The Housing Management Office has a "one-stop shopping" website that may answer many of your questions about living at Nellis Air Force Base, whether you are single or married, planning to live on base or off.
3. Military Personnel Customer Service Center
Address: 4475 N. England Ave.
Operating hours: Monday-Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The customer service center is the first stop referral point for the Military Personnel section. It is the primary liaison between Air Force members, their dependents, retirees, next of kin and all personnel offices. Customer service will assist you with various items, such as in-processing, leave, adverse actions, and answering questions on various programs processed through the personnel section. If an inquiry cannot be answered immediately, then customer service personnel will take action by researching and ensuring correct answers, or they will escort the customer to the office of primary responsibility to ensure that correct action is taken.
Comptroller Services Portal (CSP)
Chatbot service is no longer in service
Phone Number: 702-652-4844 (Automated message only)
Civilian Pay Customer Service: 702-652-0354
Address: 4420 N. Grissom Ave.
Walk in Customer Service Lobby operating Hours: Monday to Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Military members are required to process through the finance office within two duty days of signing in at member's unit command support staff to avoid problems with military pay. Electronic funds transfer will normally make all payments directly to an account at a financial institution.
5. Traffic Management Office
Phone Number: 702-652-6683
Address: 4420 N. Grissom Ave.
Operating hours: Monday-Thursday 0800-1500; Friday 0800-1200
The CTO office can be reached Mon-Thurs 0800-1500, Fridays 0800-1200, and via phone Fridays from 1200-1600 at 702-505-4253 or 1-866-668-6372.
You must provide your home address and duty phone before delivery of household goods or hold-baggage can be scheduled. Remember, someone must be at the delivery location to accept your goods on the date of delivery.