• Spitler takes command of Shadow Operations Center-Nellis

    Lieutenant Colonel David Spitler became commander of the 805th Combat Training Squadron (CTS), also known as the Shadow Operations Center-Nellis (ShOC-N), during a change of command ceremony, June 5th, on Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), Nevada.

  • AFJO welcomes new commander

    Brig. Gen. David W. Snoddy, U.S Air Force Warfare Center vice commander, passes the Air Force Joint Test Program Office’s guidon to incoming commander Lt. Col. Sean M. Higgins at a change of command ceremony at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., June 28, 2019. The Joint Test & Evaluation program is

  • 99th MSG welcomes new commander

    U.S. Air Force Col. Anthony Figiera, commander 99th Mission Support Group, speaks after assuming command of the 99th MSG at Nellis AFB, July 7, 2019. Figiera is directly responsible for contracting, communications, civil engineering, force support, logistics readiness, and security for Air Combat

  • 53rd TEG change of command

    Lt. Col. Jason M. Botts, 412 Test Wing chaplain, Edwards Air Force Base, California, delivers the invocation at the 53rd Test and Evaluation Group (TEG) change of command ceremony at Nellis AFB, Jul. 10, 2019. The 53rd TEG is made up of seven squadrons, two direct-reporting detachments, two combined

  • 57th ATG change of command

    Brig. Gen. Robert Novotny, 57th Wing commander, passes the guidon to Col. John Gallemore, 57th Adversary Tactics Group (ATG), during the 57th ATG change of command inside the Thunderbirds hangar on Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., July 1, 2019. 57th ATG boasts the world’s most capable and professional

  • 57th Wing bids farewell to Leavitt, welcomes Novotny

    Brig. Gen. Robert Novotny assumed command of the 57th Wing from Brig. Gen. Jeannie Leavitt during a change of command ceremony, June 8 in the Lightning Aircraft Maintenance Unit hangar at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.

  • 99th ABW welcomes new commander

    Airmen, family, and local community and military dignitaries welcomed the new commander of the 99th Air Base Wing, Col. Cavan Craddock, during a change of command ceremony May 24 in the Thunderbird hangar at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.

  • 53rd TEG welcomes new commander

    The 53rd Test and Evaluation Group conducted a change of command ceremony July 11 at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, to welcome the new 53rd TEG commander, Col. Brian Schafer.
