• Stepping up to the plate

    Taking responsibility, rising to the occasion, accepting a challenge and finding someone who steps up to the plate can be the difference between mission success or failure.Staff Sgt. Darren Weeks, 81st Communication Squadron client systems supervisor, was recently recognized for his dedication to

  • 2020 Vice Chief’s Challenge winners announced

    The challenge, which launched in February 2020, focused on identifying time-consuming tasks that provide the least direct value to generating combat effects; proposing innovative solutions to streamline current processes through the novel application of technology; and partnering directly with

  • Tactical Air Control Party Formal Training Unit activates

    The Tactical Air Control Party Formal Training Unit officially activated during a ceremony at the Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland's Medina Annex Oct. 17. The TACP FTU will synchronize, standardize and streamline training to ensure readiness of TACP maneuver and command and control force multipliers

  • 2017 AF Trials commence

    Dozens of U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, Australian and Great Britain wounded warriors gathered here Feb. 24, 2017, to mark the opening ceremony of the fourth annual Air Force Warrior Game Trials competition at the Warrior Fitness Center at Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada.These trials are part of an
