March 27, 2023 Personnel Recovery Airmen test JT-JUMPR during Red Flag New York Air National Guardsmen from the 101st Rescue Squadron and 102nd Rescue Squadron, 106th Rescue Wing, are more prepared to deploy after taking part in Red Flag-Nellis 23-2, March 12-24.
Nov. 17, 2022 US, UK, Australian and Canadian forces operate as a combined force in exercise VIRTUAL FLAG: Coalition “Fights on” loudly echos across the battlespace kicking off exercise VIRTUAL FLAG: Coalition 23-1 at the Distributed Mission Operations Center at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, and distributed sites across four countries, during the first day of an eleven-day exercise.
Sept. 8, 2022 Air Force delivers air component replication during final joint service Warfighter Exercise of FY22 The 505th Command and Control Wing supported the U.S. Army’s Mission Command Training Program in its fourth and final Army Warfighter Exercise of the fiscal year.
March 17, 2022 Swedish Air Bosses participate in Red Flag-Nellis 22-2, exchange information The Swedish Air Force provided a vital role to the 414th Combat Training Squadron’s Red Flag-Nellis 22-2 with two air bosses. Their participation promotes interoperability between friendly forces and the exchange of information for both future Red Flag exercises and the Swedish Arctic Challenge
Feb. 22, 2022 UK Voyagers refuel U.S. Navy Growlers during Red Flag-Nellis 22-1 During Red Flag-Nellis 22-1, a Royal Air Force (UK) Voyager tanker refueled U.S. Navy EA-18G Growlers, emphasizing the interoperability conducted during this iteration.