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ECARS to implement April 1 at Nellis AFB


NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. - The Employee-Certification and Reporting System program, which aims to control smog levels in Clark County, is scheduled to be implemented at Nellis AFB on April 1.


ECARS is a web-based inspection and maintenance program that enables owners of private vehicles to self-certify that their vehicles are in compliance with local emissions testing laws, as well as Section 118(d) of the Clean Air Act.


“All federal employees who operate motor vehicles more than 60 days a year on federal facilities located in air quality ’maintenance’ areas, such as Nellis Air Force Base, are required to furnish proof of compliance with the local emissions testing program – or smog tests,” said Michelle Kramer, 99th Civil Engineer Squadron air quality program manager for Nellis and Creech AFBs.


Approximately 51 bases from around the Air Force, including Air National Guard bases and geographically separated units, already use this program. When implemented, Airmen will receive an email with instructions on what they need to do.  They will then have 30 days from the date of the notification email to register with the ECARS program and demonstrate compliance.


“Personnel will be notified each year via government email to self-certify their privately owned vehicles,” Kramer said. “Individuals will complete a short series of questions regarding their vehicles and their vehicles smog test status. Compliance is demonstrated by the vehicle passing a Clark County smog inspection. This information will be stored in the ECARS database as a record of compliance for the year.”


Smog checks will not be required for those who drive less than 60 days per year on Nellis AFB.


Currently in Clark County, smog checks will not be required for the following vehicles:

  • Non-gasoline powered

  • Hybrids less than five years old

  • Diesel powered

  • 1967 model year or older

  • Brand-new and on its first or second registration

  • Motorcycles or mopeds

  • Alternative-fuel model

  • Registered as a classic vehicle or classic rod and is driven fewer than 5,000 miles per year


Since ECARS is being implemented to protect the environment, Kramer said Nellis AFB personnel are being held to the same standard as any other individual living in Clark County. Creech AFB personnel, even those who live in Nellis AFB housing, are not required to register or comply with ECARS since Creech AFB lies within a different airshed.

“ECARS is a quick, easy method to ensure that all federal employees are doing our part to reduce the amount of pollutants in our air,” Kramer said. “This program holds federal employees to the same standards as the rest of the citizens residing in the Las Vegas area. “


For more information about ECARS, please email questions to Nellis.Air.Quality@us.af.mil.