Warrior of the Week, April 30- May 4

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Michael Kun
  • 757th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Michael Kun is the Nellis Air Force Base Warrior of th Week.  He is an assistant dedicatede crew chief with the 757th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron.

Duty title: 
Assistant Dedicated Crew Chief

Time in Air Force: 
3 years 

Time at Nellis: 
7 Months

St. John, Ind.

What's your favorite movie quote?
Tombstone - "You're a daisy if you do"

What's the dumbest thing you ever did that could've killed you?
Fishing off a train track on a bridge.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?
The ability to fly, so I wouldn't have to drive in Las Vegas.

If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?
A turtle, they relax in the sun all day and no one expects more from them.

What's your favorite thing to do in Las Vegas?

What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Italian Sausage, red & green peppers, oninos

Name three people (living) who you would want to have dinner with.
Bill Phillips, Jon Stewart, "SSgt George Phillips"

Name three people (dead) who you wish you could've had dinner with.
John Belushi, John Candy, Chris Farley

What song do you have on your mp3 player that you wouldn't want anyone else to know about? 
Travis Tritt, Best of Intentions

Name one thing your co-workers don't know about you. I'm a big country music fan.

Who's the greatest pop music artist to die too soon? 

What is your favorite song to karaoke? 
Telsa, "What you give"

What stresses you out at your job, and how do you relieve stress?
Nothing, I don't let things get to me. 

Who wears the pants in your family?
We take turns. 

What's the worst pick-up line you've ever heard/used? Did it work?
Beeeooooo! Beeeoooo! That's the sound of the ambulance coming to take me away, because the sight of you stopped my heart. 

What would you say to your basic training TI if you saw him/her walk into your office?


In high school, what were you - a dork, jock, or something else?
Something else, football player without the "Jock" and autoshop rat without the "Rat". 

If you were to go on Survivor, what one comfort item would you take with you?
My wife. 

If you could appear on any reality TV show, what would it be and why?
Survivor, for the locations. 

How do you remember your CAC at the end of the day?
I attach it to my belt using a wallet chain. The 90s are coming back!