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Warrior of the Week, July 2 - July 6

2nd Lt. Amanda Cater is the Nellis Air Force Base Warrior of the Week. She is a clinical nurse with the 99th Medical Operations Squadron inpatient obsterics.

2nd Lt. Amanda Cater is the Nellis Air Force Base Warrior of the Week. She is a clinical nurse with the 99th Medical Operations Squadron inpatient obsterics.

Nellis Air Force Base, Nev. -- 2nd Lt. Amanda Cater is the Nellis Air Force Base Warrior of the Week. She is a clinical nurse with the 99th Medical Operations Squadron inpatient obstetrics.

Time in Air Force: 
14 months 

Time at Nellis: 
10 months 

Biloxi, Miss. 

What do you drive, and how does it match your personality?
I drive a Scion TC. I would not say it fits my personality, just my budget... 

What's your favorite movie quote/ What movie?
It's not a quote but a scene from "Finding Nemo". The whole 'whale talk' scene with Dory ... it just cracks me up. 

If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?
I would be a dolphin, because I love the ocean. 

What's your favorite thing to do in Las Vegas?
As cliché as it sounds, I enjoy the nightlife. 

What are your favorite pizza toppings?
Ham and vegetables 

Name one thing your co-workers don't know about you.
I sing and dance in my car all the time. 

What is your favorite song to karaoke?
Ironically this just became a new hobby of mine! Despite the fact that I am totally tone deaf, I would have to say "Lips of an Angel" by Hinder. 

What would you like to change on/about Nellis?
Hmm, I would have to say the gym. For as large as this base is, the gym is not apt to fit all of us. 

What stresses you out at your job, and how do you relieve stress?
The lack of confidence and experience. In time, this will subside ... until then, exercise is my stress reliever. 

In high school, what were you - a dork, jock, or something else?
I was diverse, I think I portrayed a different image every year...tomboy, dork, gothic, and finally feminine. 

If you were trapped on a deserted island, what would you bring?
My jogging shoes and a radio. 

If you could appear on any reality TV show, what would it be and why?
Real World. Seven strangers placed in a confined house with limited "luxuries" can only lead to memorable adventures. 

How do you remember your CAC at the end of the day?
My unit tends to confiscate "unsecured" CAC cards, scan them and display them around the unit for everyone to see. Therefore, it is nearly impossible to forget it. 

What is your favorite part of your job?
The constant learning, there is always something I don't know. 

What is one thing you would recommend to everyone to do while living in Southern Nevada.
From a medical professional standpoint, it would be to hydrate. This desert just sucks the life out of you. From a young adult standpoint, it would be to embrace Las Vegas in its entirety. There is so much to do regardless of age. 

2nd Lt. Amanda Cater's supervisor says ...
2nd Lt. Amanda Cater has been a member of the Inpatient Obstetrics Element for 11 months. As a young Air Force officer, she has adjusted incredibly well to the military and is excelling as a member of the Air Force Nurse Corps. With a smile on her face, she continually displays professionalism when dealing with her patients and is always eager to assist her peers. An avid learner, she routinely volunteers to shadow providers in the OB clinic, always eager to increase her knowledge. A true fitness guru, she participates in the base monthly 5 K runs and is currently in training for the Las Vegas Marathon. 2nd Lt. Cater has been such a bright addition to the Air Force and the Inpatient OB Element - I am proud to have her as a member of our team!

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