Environmental element stresses recycling importance Published Dec. 2, 2013 By Marco Furlan 99th Civil Engineer Squadron Environmental Element NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- Recycling...one of the three continuous processes in the Reduce, Reuse, Recycling calculus, is the process of collecting and processing materials that would otherwise be thrown away as trash and are instead, turned into new products. Benefits to recycling include reducing the amount of waste sent to landfills and incinerators, the prevention of pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials, the saving of energy and the sustainment of the environment for future generations. Recycling involves three simple steps including collection and processing, manufacturing, and purchasing new products made from recycled materials. In partnership with different vendors such as Republic Services, Nevada Recycling and SA Recycling, Nellis AFB performs the first step of the recycling process. The Nellis AFB Recycling Center at building 461, is located next to the Threat Training Facility and operates Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. The Recycling Center has 24 hour self-drop off bins which can accept metals, plastic, aluminum, paper, cardboard and toner cartridges. The Recycling center had processed more than 1,544 tons of recyclable materials in the first half of fiscal year 2013, which is valued at approximately $230,000. This represents roughly 190 lbs. of processed recyclable materials per person per year. In most cases more than 75% of waste is recyclable and we typically recycle below 30%. Before dumping your trash to the bigger bins, look at the contents to see if it can be recycled. Every little bit will help to save our environment. Nellis service members, families and civilians can use the small blue recycling containers at their workstations to dispose of personal recyclable materials and then discard the contents into larger gray office recycling bins or the white, teal colored dumpsters located around the base. Families in the residential areas are encouraged to use the Recycling Center to dispose of recyclables. Members from Creech AFB can transfer contents of the gray bins to the compactor located in the Civil Engineer Transportation Compound, located on the south side of Creech AFB. The Recycling Center accepts just about anything they can dismantle, except precious metals such as E-waste, and weapon system parts. Please dispose of hazardous waste, petroleum, oil, and lubricant products at the 90-day accumulation site located at building 853. For more information on the accumulation site call 682-4686, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 4p.m. Recycled materials at Nellis have continuously brought extra funds to the Nellis AFB, Creech AFB, and NTTR communities. The proceeds from these funds is used to sustain the Recycling Center, support morale, welfare and recreation activities, and finance Qualified Recycling Program projects pertaining to pollution abatement, energy conservation, and occupational safety and health activities throughout the whole Nellis military enterprise. The ever increasing need for natural resources, and their diminishing supply, has made recycling one of the most important movements of the 21st century. Your contribution is vital in running the recycling center and other programs. In these tough financial times, recycling is something we can all do which can bring about extra spending dollars for units to make the workplace better and safer. For additional information, contact the Nellis Recycling Center at (702) 652-5270, or contact Mr. Henry Rodriguez at (702) 652-6097. You can also visit our Solid Waste Program SharePoint website.