
99th CONS delivers millions in FY 14

  • Published
  • By Lt. Col. Chris Kay
  • 99th Contracting Squadron
The 99th Contracting Squadron closed out a banner year on Sept. 30 for the Nellis and Creech Air Force Bases, and the Nevada Test and Training Range executing $175 million in the base central acquisition and contract performance management program in fiscal year 2014. 

Working with a broad variety of customers, the men and women of 99th CONS were able to impact multiple Air Combat Command missions not just in the Southern Nevada valley, but across the continental United States,

The federal budget cycle and fiscal law requires that funds provided to installations for sustainment and operations activities be obligated by the end of the fiscal year.  Due to the federal government's fiscal year running from midnight Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 the last night in Sept. truly is the night that unspent federal dollars turn into pumpkins.

Imagine the massive impact on operations if a unit was forced to burn one-third of their flying hours in the last two months of the year.  This is exactly what 99th CONS had to do, spending nearly $60 million in the last two months of the year by matching mission requirements with mandatory acquisition disciplines and responsible fiscal practices.  An incredible 64 construction projects were negotiated with the assistance of the 99th Civil Engineer Squadron and awarded in the last two months. 

Sustainment, restoration and modernization projects to the tune of $23 million supported renovations and additions to the 99th Air Base Wing chapel, 99th Logistics Readiness Squadron fuel operations facility and aircraft sunshades for the 57th Maintenance Group.

Other significant contract efforts include upgrades to fire suppression systems in multiple facilities across Nellis AFB, new dormitory furniture, and the purchase of a new communications trailer for the Air Force Air Demonstration Squadron.

The 99th CONS is already looking toward the next fiscal year with a vision of purposeful communications occurring throughout the year, not just in the last two months.  This level of planning promotes fiscal responsibility and allows customers to work with contracting to develop business solutions to their mission problems.

The 99th ABW commander's mantra is 'It only takes one'; one customer to communicate a requirement, one contracting officer to award a contract, and one team to work in concert across units to enable mission delivery. 

In FY 2014, 99th CONS delivered mission capability to the world's best and most powerful Air Force and they stand ready to make it happen again in FY 2015.  We are the 99th CONS, and that's what we do. BUY - FIGHT - WIN!