
Chaplains help build relationships

  • Published
  • By Chaplain (Capt.) Jason Klodnicki
  • 99th Air Base Wing Chapel
Relationships come and go -- personal and professional -- yet some of them are too precious, or important, and are worth fighting for when the going gets rough. Many people come to military chaplains with their pains, worries and hardships.

"I feel misunderstood."

"My best friend and I just don't connect anymore."

"Is my marriage over?"

"Will I ever get married?"

"How can I get along better with my coworkers?"

These questions and others haunt us all from time to time. There are tools out there to help save that which seems unsaveable -- there are ways to not lose when the world seems out to get you.

There is hope. Hope is powerful.

There is an old adage about a young boy walking down a beach piled up with starfish that washed up on the shore. As he picked up starfish one by one he would toss them as hard as he could back into the surf to save them.

An old bitter gent came upon the boy and scolded him saying, "There are thousands of starfish on this beach! You are only one kid. What you are doing won't make a bit of difference!"

The boy looked down, found another starfish and threw it as far as he could into the surf. He looked at the gent and declared, "It made a difference to that one."

The solution is not another book to read or another lecture to sit through. There isn't a magic phrase to "make it all better." The answer is to be found by calling upon something greater than ourselves to assist.

The key is to understand what that "greater something" is for you. Military chaplains are available 24/7 and always willing to be who you need us to be -- whether that be a spiritual advisor, a listening ear, a confidant or a genuine trusted friend. Please do not hesitate to call upon us to serve.

The Chapel team here wants to freely give you the tools to find the strength and peace you may seek. We do not promise that you will be free from all suffering and heartache, but we do promise to give all we are to help make a difference for you.

As I mentioned, we're always available; however, Jan. 9, we'll be hosting a relationship seminar, open to all ID card holders -- whether you're single, married, divorced or wanting to improve coworker relationships -- at the Nellis Club from 6 to 9 p.m. Childcare and dinner will be provided. Please come and help us help you tune-up your relationship skills. Contact the Chapel at 702-652-2950 for sign up information.