Holiday Safety Wish Published Dec. 22, 2014 By Staff Sgt. Princeton Drake 99th Air Base Wing Safety NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- Ready or not the holiday season is here. You can find the signs everywhere; newspaper advertisements promoting sales, stores decorated in glitter and trim, lawn ornaments, and window lights flashing holiday message--Tis' the season to be jolly. People are starting to make plans for shopping, entertainment and travel to visit family and friends. It is a busy time of year with hectic schedules that can increase stress and with it, the possibility of serious mishaps. The goal of the 99th ABW Safety Staff is to help you make this holiday season festive, pleasantly, memorable and injury free. To achieve these goals, several things must be done on your part: first, identify, assess, and ask yourself what you can do about the hazards likely to be encountered during the holidays, then make risk decision and implement controls to eliminate them. If these tip sound familiar, you remembered the steps involved in risk management. As you travel to visit loved ones or if you stay in the local area remain vigilant while on the highways. Unfortunately, Las Vegas is ranked no. 2 nationally in red light fatalities. Just pause for a few seconds when the light turns green, this may avoid a collision, and if you see the light is yellow, prepare to stop, not speed up. For those who may be traveling it is important to schedule rest and breaks; ensure you have adequate sleep before getting on the highway for an extended amount of time. Although some may engage in holiday parties or just decide to go out and a have a good time, remember if you consume any alcoholic beverages you need to have a plan. Never think it is alright to drive impaired. Keep the wingman concept in mind, never allow someone else to drive impaired. You should initially have a plan, then phone a friend, or call a taxi, whatever it is to get you home safely. Remember, holidays can be a disaster if you let liquor be your master. Lastly, expect the unexpected and monitor events as they occur. Be prepared to adjust your plan of action as condition change and if necessary, let someone know you need help. Make this the safest holiday ever. Always practice risk management at home and on the road and stay safe. Sometimes we just need to take a second to slow down and refocus on the task at hand. We all play a vital role in the missions that we continuously execute and we want to have everyone here for another successful year. Enjoy the times with your loved ones and take advantage of what this beautiful country has to offer, just do it safely.