
86 AW commander announces new mission, vision, lines of effort

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. Josh Olson
  • 86th Airlift Wing

To the men and women of the 86th Airlift Wing,

After three quarters of a century, our wing and its Airmen continue to answer our nation’s call. Through the years, we have delivered airpower through bombardment, air defense, reconnaissance, and close air support. Today, across six countries our Airmen stand ready to project U.S. and NATO airpower if and when called upon. Although time and the global landscape are continually changing, there are certain fundamentals that remain constant. It is these fundamentals that must forge our daily battle rhythm.

86 AW Mission: Build Airmen, Project Power, and Support Partners.

That’s it; just seven words. This is what we do. Our mission is actually quite complex, however each one of us must be able to point to the part of this mission that intersects with our day-in-and-day-outJ-O-B. If you can’t, come find me…I’ll show you.

Building Airmen is at the foundation of airpower. Your ingenuity and intellect are the engine that allows us to project power at the time and place of our choosing. To accomplish this globally, we are only as strong as the collective team of alliesand partners that we train with.

86 AW Vision: Adaptive Airmen…Ready to Execute.

A properly trained, equipped, and well-led team is capable of accomplishing any mission, adapting to any situation, and overcoming any obstacle. This is where we are going as a wing.

To support the mission and vision, we have established three lines of effort:

  • Develop Airmen and Care for Families
  • Facilitate Installation Excellence
  • Strengthen Relations with Joint and Allied Partners

Lines of efforts are broader than singular priorities. These LOEs will guide our actions and decisions through the end of 2022.

Thank you for choosing to serve and wear the cloth of our country. Chief Skibitsky and I are humbled and honored to be serving beside you. Thanks for the countless sacrifices that you and your family make. We are a better nation because of you.

