Brown takes command of Robins C2 test detachment

  • Published
  • By Deb Henley, 505th Command and Control Wing Public Affairs
  • 505th Test and Training Group, Detachment 2

Lt. Col. Gregory Brown took command of the 505th Test and Training Group, Detachment 2, during a change of command ceremony, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, Dec. 13.

The change of command is a military tradition, representing a formal transfer of a unit’s authority and responsibility from one commander to another. Col. James Fields II, 505th TTG commander, Hurlburt Field, Florida, presided over the ceremony.

Before Fields oversaw the transfer of command, he thanked outgoing commander, Lt. Col. Kevan Seamans stating, “Great leaders rise to the occasion during challenging times. This past year has definitely been a challenge as the E-8 mission was stood down and the future mission of the Detachment is still being figured out.”

Fields continued “I am honored to officiate this ceremony and share the stage with these two outstanding leaders. Lt. Col. Brown, you have my full confidence and support, and I know you will continue the great legacy of those that have come before you as you lead the men and women of Detachment 2 into their new mission.”

Before relinquishing command, Seamans acknowledged the men and women of Det 2 for their continued dedication to the operational test mission.

As the commander, Brown will manage operational test and evaluation for a suite of ground based C2 programs across the U.S. Air Force. Under his leadership, the detachment will analyze combatant command support requirements and other system evaluations as required by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Headquarters Air Combat Command, Secretary of the Air Force Acquisition and 505th Command and Control Wing.

Prior to his current assignment, Brown was the director of operations, 505th TTG, Det 2, Robins AFB, Georgia. and the DO, 5th Expeditionary Airborne Command and Control Squadron at Kadena Air Base, Japan.  He is a master air battle manager with more than 2,200 hours in the E-8C and MU2B.

Brown began by thanking his family and friends. Next, he took a moment to address the men and women newly under his command.

“I am honored to assume command and lead the team as we embark on this transformative journey from the former JSTARS [joint surveillance target attack radar system] operational test detachment to an operational test squadron. I eagerly anticipate serving our airmen and fostering their personal and professional development. Our initial mission and challenge will be to transform the unit from its current state by recruiting the appropriate professionals to establish a robust operational test squadron. While this endeavor presents its own set of obstacles, I am confident that we possess the right team and the unwavering determination to excel within the operational test community.”

Brown continued, “Our military is undergoing a rapid transformation to prepare for the evolving Great Power Competition. To maintain our position at the forefront of this change, the operational test community must modernize its processes and operational methodologies. It is paramount that our Airmen remain mission-focused and mission-ready. Ensuring that the weapons systems of the future are prepared for combat if required is of utmost importance. We must prioritize the well-being and empowerment of our Airmen, fostering an environment that encourages innovation and creativity. By doing so, we can transform our airmen into a formidable force, capable of confronting any challenge that may arise.”

After 21 years of faithful service in the U.S. Air Force, Seamans will retire.

The 505th TTG, Det 2 is one of two detachments assigned to the 505th TTG and 505th Command and Control Wing, headquartered on Hurlburt Field, Florida.
