NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nevada -- The $17 million renovation project began in April 2019 and ended in December 2020 It provides an upgraded quality of life for military personnel and their families.
“TLFs are temporary lodging facilities that are ideal to Airmen in the midst of a PCS and are in-between homes,” said Capt. Sarah Marianetti, 99th Force Support Squadron (FSS) Sustainment Services flight commander. “The benefit to a TLF over a standard hotel room is that they are able to fit families much more comfortably.”
Each unit comes with two bedrooms, a kitchenette, common area and small dining area within an 1,100 square-foot area. Allowing for inclusiveness, the property is Americans with Disabilities Act compliant, and several units allow for pets as well.
To alleviate the stress of finding where to find groceries or amenities, the TLF is located in walking distance to the exchange, commissary and several support establishments.
The 99th FSS mission is key to helping empower the Nellis complex’s most valuable weapons system, its Airmen.
“Our Airmen are the life blood of the mission. Without them, our Air Force would not be the greatest Air Force in the world,” said Marianetti. “It is important that our Airmen and their families are taken care of so when on duty, they can focus entirely on the task at hand.
The new TLFs would like to welcome new Airmen and their families with open arms, providing roomy and comfortable accommodations, Marianetti mentioned. Their vision is to energize Airmen to deliver and deploy unparalleled support, and she said the new accommodations provide just that.
“Nellis Inn’s main goal is to provide quality of life for the men and women at Nellis Air Force Base,” said Lashell McClellan, 99th FSS Assistant Lodging manager. "The key players for making this project come to life is due to the efforts of our amazing staff.”
During the ceremony, she recognized the housekeeping staff, maintenance, the logistical department and the front desk.
“Of course, we can’t forget the guidance and directions of the lodging and assistant managers for overseeing it all,” McClellan added “Lastly, the support from our leadership team from our flight superintendent to wing leadership through this process.”
Units are available on a first-come, first-served basis. For more information and to make a reservation, call the Nellis Inn at 702-652-2711.