Nellis AFB Memorialization
The American military has long recognized those who have died in service to their country and preserved their memory, naming forts and bases after them as well as buildings and streets. The U.S. Air Force has inherited this tradition. This brochure lists some of those honored here at Nellis AFB, most of whom gave that "last, full measure of devotion" in the line of duty, both here and abroad.
Nellis AFB
Nellis Air Force Base traces its physical origins to a new airfield built by W.A. "Pop" Simon in 1929 northwest of Las Vegas along US 91, the Salt Lake City Highway. Purchased by Western Air Express in 1933, it was surveyed by the Army Air Corps in late 1940 for use as a gunnery school for teaching aerial gunners who would fly the B-17 Flying Fortress into combat. Sold to the city of Las Vegas for $10.00 in January 1941, much of the field was leased for Las Vegas Army Air Field. Construction started in March 1941 and the first class entered training January 1942; almost 60,000 men trained as B-17 and B-29 gunners during WW II.
Las Vegas Army Air Field: July 1941 and mid-1945
Placed on standby at the end of 1946, it reopened on 4 January 1949 as Las Vegas Air Force Base. On 1 May 1950, it was renamed Nellis AFB in honor of First Lieutenant William H. Nellis, a P-47 pilot from Las Vegas killed near Bastogne, Belgium during the Battle of the Bulge. The plaque unveiled at the 20 May 1950 ceremony is now at the base of the flagpole in front of Howard Hall, the USAF Warfare Center building. Initially hosting advanced jet pilot training, the mission changed to fighter pilot gunnery training just as the Korean War started. Since then, the training and testing missions have continuously evolved; today, Nellis AFB hosts the USAF Warfare Center, USAF Weapons School and Red Flag/Green Flag training.
First Lt. William H. Nellis
Born in New Mexico, William Harrell "Billy" Nellis grew up in Searchlight and Las Vegas, Nevada, graduating from Las Vegas High School in 1938. Married, with 2 children and working for the railroad, he wanted to fly and after soloing in a civilian training program, he enlisted for pilot training. He graduated in January 1944 as a Flying Officer. After training on the P-47, he was assigned to the 513th Fighter Squadron, 406th Fighter Group, initially in England before moving forward into France after D-Day. He flew 69 combat missions, being promoted twice and shot down twice before his fatal crash on 27 December 1944 while strafing enemy armor and motor transport near Bastogne, Belgium during his 70th mission. He is buried in the Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery and Memorial, Belgium. His decorations included the Purple Heart (Posthumous); Air Medal with 1 silver and 1 bronze Oak Leaf clusters; American Campaign Medal; European- African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal with 4 Bronze Service Stars for participation in the Normandy, Northern France, Ardennes- Alsace and Rhineland campaigns; Distinguished Unit Emblem with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster; World War II Victory Medal; Aviation Badge "Pilot;" and Marksmanship Badge with Pistol Bar.
In addition to Nellis AFB, he is also memorialized by Nellis Boulevard which starts just outside Nellis AFB; from Craig Road, it runs south approximately 9 miles from alongside the western edge of the base and down the eastern side of the metropolitan Las Vegas area to East Russell Road.
Memorialized Facilities
The Mike O'Callaghan Federal Medical Center (MOFMC) is located across Las Vegas Boulevard from the main base. A joint use facility with the Veterans Administration from its opening in 1994, it became Air Combat Command's only Medical Center in 2012 as the VA started the process of moving to their new medical center on Pecos Blvd at the CC-215 Beltway. The MOFMC is named for former Nevada Governor and veteran Mike O'Callaghan; he served in the U.S. Marine Corps just after WW II and in the Air Force and Army during the Korean War where he lost part of his left leg. He served as Nevada governor 1971-1978.
Howard Hall, Headquarters, HQ USAF Warfare Center, is named for Maj Joseph C. Howard, a Thunderbird pilot killed when his F-4 Phantom crashed during a show on 4 June 1973.
Bolt Hall, the 99th Force Support Squadron building, is named for Capt Jerry D. S. Bolt who crashed 21 Dec 1972 while a Thunderbird team member.
The Base Operations building is named for Brig Gen Martinus Stenseth, the first commander of then-Las Vegas Aerial Gunnery School and Las Vegas Army Air Field. The building was built in 1939 as a passenger terminal for Western Air Express Field.
Building 625 is named for Col (Dr.) William H. Walter III, Nellis AFB Hospital commander at the time he was killed in an F-15 crash on 6 December 1977 along with Lt Col David Jacobson. Building 625 was the Base Hospital from 1965 to 1994 when the new Federal Hospital opened across Las Vegas Blvd in Area III. It is currently home to the Nellis AFB Enlisted Professional Development Center and numerous other activities.
Johnson Hall, home to the 422d Test and Evaluation Squadron, is named for Maj Gen Oris B. Johnson, wartime commander of their predecessor 422d Night Fighter Squadron
The US Air Force Weapons School has several buildings honoring men with contributions to the art and science of aerial warfare.
Boyd Hall is named for Colonel John R. Boyd. While an F-100 gunnery instructor with the Fighter Weapons School 1955-1960, he described and mathematically quantified fighter tactics, developing the Energy-Maneuverability Theory. He later developed the Observe-Orientate-Decide-Action (OODA) Loop for decision making and was considered a key influence in design and development of the F-16.
Suter Hall, home to the RED FLAG training facility, is named for Colonel Richard "Moody" Suter. Colonel Suter was an F-4 fighter pilot with 232 combat missions in Southeast Asia. He then instructed in F-4s at the Fighter Weapons School before a Pentagon tour where his work was credited with creating and establishing the Red Flag mission as well as the Aggressor Squadrons.
White Hall, part of the Weapons School complex, is named for Colonel Floyd White who commanded the Fighter Weapons School 1957-1958 and again in 1965-1968.
Waxman Hall, also part of the USAF Weapons School complex, is named for Maj Saul Waxman. Major Waxman was an instructor and project officer for the Fighter Weapons School prior to serving in Vietnam, where he was killed in combat on 29 September 1966.
Baker Hall, home to the 328th Weapons Squadron, is named for Lt Col Addison Baker, first commander of the then-328th Bombardment Squadron. He was flying as 93d Bomb Group commander on the first bombing mission over the Ploesti oil fields, Operation Tidal Wave, on 1 August 1943. After successfully leading his formation across the target, he was killed when his airplane crashed, becoming 1 of 5 airmen receiving the Medal of Honor for their actions that day.
Bouley Hall, home to the 65th Aggressor Squadron (AGRS), is named for Lt Col Thomas Bouley, 65 AGRS commander at the time he was killed on 30 July 2008 in an F-15 crash on the Nevada Test and Training Range.
Jacobsen Hall is named for Lt Col David Jacobsen, 433d Fighter Weapons Squadron commander, killed in an F-15 crash along with Col (Dr.) William H. Walter III, Nellis AFB Hospital commander, on 6 December 1977.
Simon's Gate, on 19 November 2013, the former Tyndall Gate, located along Nellis Blvd, was renamed for TSgt Wesley Simons, a 99th Security Forces Squadron member who died in the line of duty after being struck by a motorist at the base's Main Gate on 19 November 1999.
Maj Gen Billy McCoy Environmental Grove, in 1990, Nellis AFB first broke ground for an Environmental Grove directly inside the North Gate with desert landscaping featuring native trees and plants, along with solar powered lights and using recycled materials for items like picnic tables. On 3 April 2008, the grove was renamed for Maj Gen (Ret) Billy G. McCoy, who established the original garden in 1990 while commanding the then-USAF Fighter Weapons Center at Nellis AFB.
The Base Legal Office Courtroom is named for Mr. Harry "Ken" Ulrey, a federal employee for 49 years with the last 29 as the Nellis Court Reporter.
The Samek Airmen's Center for dormitory residents was named in honor of A1C Jesse M. Samek on 13 July 2009. A1C Samek, an HH-60 flight engineer with the 66th Rescue Squadron, was killed during a combat mission in Afghanistan on 20 October 2004, becoming the first Nellis Airman killed in action after 11 September 2001.
Robin's Roost is the bar in the Nellis Club, named for Brig Gen Robin Olds to celebrate his fighter pilot heritage.
Lomie G. Heard Elementary School was built on Nellis AFB in 1953 and expanded/refurbished in 1956. Ms. Lomie Gray Heard was the second principle of the Nellis Air Force Base School, serving for 21 years from 1950 - 1971. The school was renamed for Ms. Heard on the occasion of her retirement. She passed away on 4 February 2009 at age 103.
Off-Base Memorials
Hebert Memorial Park is located approximately 3 miles west of Nellis AFB and next to Lincoln-Edison Elementary School on Berg Street (just south of E. Cheyenne Ave.). It is named for 1 Lt Raynor L. Hebert, an F-105 pilot training at Nellis, killed when he stayed with a malfunctioning plane to avoid hitting the school on 13 May 1964. Unable to reach an open area where I-15 was under construction, the impact and crash debris hit several houses, killing four civilians.
Memorialized Streets
Many Nellis AFB streets are named for men who have died in the line of duty, either while at Nellis AFB or who had service at Nellis AFB before their death. Construction at Nellis AFB has been ongoing since 1941 with many streets built in four major phases; original base construction during WW II; construction of Nellis Terrace housing and Area II in the early 1950s, construction of Area III housing in the early 1960's and most recently, redevelopment of military family housing in 2010-2012.
Original streets on Main Base, named First Street, B Street, etc., were renamed starting in 1960, some for active Air Force Bases of the day and others for fallen heroes. For streets in Area III, names from the original Manch Manor housing were reused for new Nellis Landing housing in addition to newer names. Aircraft crashes were at Nellis AFB or on the Range unless otherwise noted.
FT - Former Thunderbird pilot
FWS - Current/former Fighter Weapons School instructor
w/ USN - On exchange tour with U.S. Navy when killed
Main Base
Christianson Street
Maj Peter B. Christianson (FWS)
F-105 crash, SEA, 3 Apr 69
Dunning Circle
Brig Gen John A. Dunning
Died on active duty, 13 Aug 62
Devlin Drive
Capt Eugene J. Devlin
Thunderbird, F-105 disintegrated
Hamilton AFB, CA, 9 May 64
Fitzgerald Blvd
Maj Robert S. Fitzgerald
Thunderbird commander, F-100F crash 6 Apr 61
Gentz Avenue
Capt Joel C. Gentz
Killed in Pedro 66 crash, Afghanistan, 9 Jun 10
McGough Parkway
Mr. Harold McGough
Longtime civilian base employee
Smith Avenue
SSgt David C. Smith
Killed in Pedro 66 crash, Afghanistan, 9 Jun 10
Wisniewski Way
Capt David A Wisniewski
Died of injuries on 2 Jul 10 from Pedro 66 crash in Afghanistan on 9 Jun 10
Nellis Terrace Military Family Housing (Area I)
Baer Drive
1 Lt Paul P. Baer
WW I Ace
Cassady Court (E & W)
1 Lt Thomas G. Cassady
WW I Ace
Chambers Street
Maj Reed McKinley Chambers
WW I Ace
Clay Street
1 Lt Henry R. Clay, Jr.
WW 1 Ace
Erwin Court (E & W)
1 Lt William P Erwin
WW I Ace
Lufberry Circle
Maj Gervais Raoul Lufbery
WW I Ace
Luke Drive
2 Lt Frank Luke Jr.
WW I Ace
Landis Drive (N & S)
1 Lt Reed G. Landis
WW I Ace
Kinley Drive
Likely 1 Lt Field E. Kindley
WW I Ace
McCarran Blvd
Senator Pat McCarran
NV Senator
Meissner Street
Capt James A. Meissner
WW I Ace
Putnam Drive
1 Lt Davis E. Putnam
WW I Ace
Rickenbacker Road
Capt Edward V. Rickenbacker
WW I Ace
Spring Court (E & W)
1 Lt Elliott W. Springs
WW I Ace
Swaab Blvd
1 Lt Jacques M Swaab
WW I Ace
Wright Street
1 Lt Chester E. Wright
WW I Ace
Area III
Mack Drive
Lt Col Thomas J. Mack
F-111 crash on range, 22 Dec 69
Stafford Drive
Capt Ronald D. Stafford
F-111 crash, Vietnam, 21 Nov 72
Nellis Landings Military Family Housing (Area III)
Arnold Loop
General of the Air Force Henry H. Arnold
Only USAF 5-star General
Alexander Circle
Capt Carl E. Alexander
F-86 crash, 15 Feb 55
Anthony Circle
Maj James L. Anthony
F-111 crash, 22 Dec 69
Bell Loop
Maj Robert G. Bell (FT) (w/ USN)
Killed by flightline explosion at Bien Hoa AB, Vietnam, 16 May 65
Bartley Circle
Capt John M. Bartley (FT)
F-100C crash near Wheelus AFB, Libya 12 Jul 58
Beresik Circle
Maj Eugene P. Beresik
F-105D crash at sea, Vietnam, 31 May 68
Blank Circle
Lt Col Floyd B. Blank
First F-105 pilot to shoot down a MiG
F-111 crash, Scotland, 18 Jan 72
Brantley Circle
Capt Gerald W. Brantley
F-4 crash, 5 Jan 67
Brown Lane
Col Keith E. Brown
F-111 crash, 19 Jun 72
Caffarelli Drive
Capt Charles J. Caffarelli
F-111 crash, Vietnam, 21 Nov 72
Chastain Lane
Maj Robert L. Chastain
F-105D, Bomb fuse test accident on range 17 Dec 66
Collinson Circle
Maj John L. Collinson
F-86F crash, 5 Mar 56
Coltman Loop
Maj William C. Coltman
F-111 crash, Vietnam, 28 Sep 72
Cunningham Drive
SrA Jason D. Cunningham
Pararescue, Air Force Cross, killed at Takar Gur, Afghanistan, 4 Mar 02
Deichelmann Loop
Capt Stephen T. Deichelmann
F-4 crash, 27 Sep 71
Falk Circle
Capt Gust A. Falk, Jr.
F-86H crash, 18 Jan 57
Fuchlow Drive
Capt William D. Fuchlow
F-111A crash, 12 Feb 69
Goodman Lane
Maj Russell C. Goodman (FT) (w/ USN)
F-4B crash, Vietnam, 20 Feb 67
Hauck Circle
Capt David L. "Nick" Hauck
Thunderbird, T-38A crash, 9 May 81
Hebert Circle
1 Lt Raynor L. Hebert
F-105D crash, 13 May 64
Hogenmiller Circle
Maj Gerald J. Hogenmiller
F-100F crash, 12 Sep 60
Jobe Circle
Capt Robert E. Jobe
F-111A crash, 12 Feb 69
John Chapman Parkway
TSgt John A. Chapman
Combat Controller, Air Force Cross, killed at Takar Gur, Afghanistan, 4 Mar 02
Kevil Circle
Capt George E. Kevil
Thunderbird crash, F-84G, 11 Dec 54
Kincheloe Circle
Capt Iven C. Kincheloe, Jr.
F-86 Instructor at Nellis after Korea
F-104 crash, Edwards AFB, 26 July 58
Klosterman Circle
Maj Edward Klosterman
F-105D mid-air crash w/ Navion, 1 Apr 63
Kozak Circle
Maj Thomas F. Kozak
F-105 crash, 3 Mar 66
Leithen Circle
Maj Frank E. Leithen, Jr.
Thunderbird crash, F-100F, 12 Oct 66
Lowry Circle
Maj Norman L. Lowry III
Thunderbird crash, T-38A, 18 Jan 82
Mays Circle
Capt William T. "Willie" Mays
Thunderbird crash, T-38A, 18 Jan 82
Melancon Loop
Capt Mark E. Melancon
Thunderbird crash, T-38A, 18 Jan 82
Milowski Circle
Lt Col Walter J. Milowski
F-100D crash, 5 Jun 59
Morrissey Drive
Maj Robert D. Morrissey
F-111 crash, MIA, Vietnam, 7 Nov 72
Morgan Circle
Capt Robert H. Morgan
Thunderbird crash, F-100F, 12 Oct 66
Nial Circle
Capt George A. Nial
Thunderbird crash, F-100C, 6 Apr 61
Peterson Circle
Capt Joseph N. "Pete" Peterson III
Thunderbird crash, T-38A, 18 Jan 82
Pulliam Drive
Lt Col Guy E. Pulliam
A-7 crash, 31 Jul 73
Reagan Circle
MSgt Joseph Reagan
Killed in airplane crash in Utah, Nov 58
Richard Kisling Drive
CMSAF Richard D. Kisling
3d CMSAF and Nellis AFB Personnel Sgt Maj, 59-61
Richter Circle
1 Lt Karl W. Richter
Died of ejection injuries in Laos after 200 F-105 combat missions, 28 Jul 67
Riggs Circle
1 Lt Ronald R. Riggs
Helicopter crash, 11 Sep 59
Rutte Circle
1 Lt Robert L. Rutte
Thunderbird crash, F-100C, 26 Sep 57
Salmon Drive
Capt Charles D. Salmon
Thunderbird crash, F-100C,12 Mar 59
Shaver Loop
Lt Col Dorwyn D. Shaver
POV crash, 11 May 69
Shockley Circle
Capt Jerry M. Shockley (FT)
F-5A crash, Eglin AFB, 24 Jun 65
Spaatz Loop
Gen Carl A. Spaatz
First USAF Chief of Staff
Stafford Drive
Capt Ronald D. Stafford
F-111 crash, Vietnam, 21 Nov 72
Strunk Circle
Capt William A. Strunk
F-100D crash, 30 Apr 59
Thurman Circle
Capt Jack M. Thurman
Thunderbird crash, F-4E, 9 Jan 69